Kingston 114
Kingston Model 114 ASME Code Soft Seat Safety Valves are constructed of brass with a Viton seal and positive stop for a bubble-tight seal. This valve is also equipped with a protective stem cover and manual test lever. Internal construction and performance are the same as Model 115 differing only by the test lever.
The Kingston Model 114 ASME Code Soft Seat Safety Valve, like every Kingston Safety Valve, is set and tested at factory for quality and dependability. Set pressure range 25 to 300 psi (5 psi increments only). Steam Rated 35 to 50 psi only. Maximum temperature -20 to 400°F.
Product Features:
- Viton O-ring Provides Soft Seat Performance
- Precision Machines Hard, Positive Stop
- Lever for Manual Testing Sizes: 1/4”, ½”, 3/4”, & 1” NPT
- ASME/NB Certified - Stamped UV + NB
- Temperature Range” -20°F to 400°F
- Section VIII Air Seat Pressure Range 25-300 PSIG